Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Love it!!

I found your blog and love it!  Your remodel looks great.  I would love to do some remodeling myself.   Your pictures are so good.  I have one weenie dog now and one "blue" gray cat. We recently had to put one of our dogs down and it was so hard to do.   I love animals and spoil most that I come in contact with. We also have few sheep and donkeys, that I've named and made into pets.  As far as my hobbies,  I am crocheting dishcloths now.  I would like to make several and post them for sell somewhere.  I knit but not as much as I crochet.  I've knitted scarves, but that's it so far. I am learning to quilt and I love to garden weather permitting.  I live in an area that is very hot right now so I haven't been outside much lately.  My children are grown and on their own so it's just me and my husband.  I really enjoy your blog and hope to stay in touch.
